Saturday, February 18, 2012

Article Marketing has Never Been of So Much of Importance

One of the things that amazes me with some of my clients is that they read a little bit about article marketing and just get started writing articles - which is actually great - that they get started writing articles.

But the problem is that so often they don't have a plan, and they don't know what is required to get the results they want in article marketing.

Or many times their plan is too vague: I want a lot of traffic.

Well, how much is a lot of traffic?

Is it 100 visits per month, 1000 visits per month, or more?

Of course, then there is also the issue that an article marketing generated visitor is many times more targeted and valuable in terms of the money they spend with you (if you market correctly, if you market incorrectly, then you probably aren't making many sales on ANY of your traffic) than almost all others sorts of traffic.

The reason for this is that an article marketing generated visitor has gone through a filter before they get to your site, unlike most other forms of traffic. For example - with most other sorts of traffic, the only thing someone knows when they get to your site is that they found your webpage by typing in a keyword in a search engine, or that they read some ad that told them to "click here". So even if someone subscribes...they still don't know very much about you, and you have to work really hard to build a relationship with them in order for them to trust you and buy.

With article marketing, its much different. By the time someone gets to your website, they have often times read several of your articles on the article directory, and are already beginning to trust you (just like you are beginning to trust me if this is your 2nd or 3rd article or more that you have read from me). And they have read through your article and want more information from you, that is why they have come to your website after reading your article.

So an article marketing generated visitors is so much more valuable than many other visitors. So 1000 article marketing visitors might mean the same revenue to you as 20,000, 50,000, or even 100,000 visitors of a poorer sort of traffic.

So going back to the plan.

You need one. You can't just write an article here, an article there.

One of the biggest concerns my clients have is after they have written 10 - 20 articles, and maybe they have only gotten 20-40 visits from those articles, they ask me why their article marketing isn't working.

Well, it isn't working for 2 reasons: 1) you haven't given the article enough time and 2) you haven't written enough articles.

You see, article marketing, although it can get you visitors today - is about long term traffic. I still get visitors from articles I wrote 4 years ago! So you cannot expect to get ALL your visitors the first day.

Also - you need to write more articles!

If you were to do PPC - you would spend more than $25 and then stop, right? You would have a budget of, say $25 per day, everyday.

If you did banner advertising, you wouldn't just do it for one week, than quit, would you? No, you would have an ongoing campaign.

And the same is true with other traffic sources. If you were buying any sort of traffic or advertising, you wouldn't buy it for one day, or one week, you would buy it continuously, so you would get continuous traffic over time.

And article marketing is the same way.

If you only write a few articles and then quit - that is like buying a few days of PPC and then quitting, or writing a few days of emails then quitting - or to go with an offline analogy - it would be like trying to lose weight by dieting for a few day, then going back to eating as normally and wondering why you don't lose weight, or working out 3 times and then expecting your muscles to grow indefinitely.

If you want results with article marketing - you need to have a plan, work the plan - and be consistent about your article marketing!

Article Marketing Robot is very Popular these days.

View the original article here

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